Herefordshire Council transport chief and Independents for Herefordshire group leader John Harrington has paid tribute to the Queen.

Mr Harrington, who is the council's cabinet member for transport and infrastructure, spoke on behalf of the Independents for Herefordshire, saying: "We have all heard the news with a sense of deep sadness and a real sense of loss.

"With 70 years of service, Her Majesty the Queen has been a constant and reassuring presence in all of our lives and has remained steadfast and selfless through the nation's turbulent and happier times.


"She was a truly remarkable woman, a public servant in the truest sense of the word, an entire life devoted to that service, the like of which we shall likely not see again. 

"We think at this moment of her family and loved ones, we share in no small measure the sense of their loss but also take heart in the pride and gratitude they must feel in the memory, and in the honour, of a long life, lived well and true.

"A watershed moment for our nation, the end of an era. We are united in our common grief."