At The Hereford Menopause Clinic, we take a very individualised approach to helping women through the menopause and perimenopause (meaning ‘around the menopause’). While we believe this gives every woman the best opportunity to access the help that is best for them, we do find that there are common themes to women’s questions and concerns. We wanted to share our experience with you here.

Frequently asked questions often start with ‘What is the menopause?’. Simply put, it is when menstrual periods stop marking the permanent end of fertility. However, this comes with reduced functioning of the ovaries leading to reduced production of oestrogen and other hormones. This in turn can bring about a wide range of changes and symptoms.

Every woman’s experience of the menopause is different and while some notice nothing more than irregular periods, others can suffer from a range of different symptoms that may include hot flashes, difficulty sleeping, memory problems, mood disturbances, and weight gain. Not all these changes are hormone-related, and some, such as hot flashes and memory problems, usually resolve after menopause.

Some of these symptoms can be very life affecting and it is always worth seeking help. This is not only to discuss whether treatments such as hormone replacement therapy may be helpful but also to ensure nothing is being missed. For example, it must be remembered that conditions such as restless legs syndrome, stress, anxiety, depression, painful chronic illnesses, and even some medications can all also cause sleep problems. Mood disturbances and depression are more common in the perimenopausal period though there is little evidence as to why this might be.

It can be a stressful time of life anyway, though perimenopausal depression is known to be more common in women who have a history of premenstrual syndrome or clinical depression. Again, help should be sought as treatment will vary from woman to woman.

Through the perimenopausal period maintaining a healthy lifestyle during this time of transition is essential for your health and can even prevent or blunt some of these changes and symptoms. At The Hereford Menopause Clinic at The Wye Clinic, we are here to help.

To find out more or book an appointment, visit or telephone 01432 – 802600.