A HAIRDRESSER in a Herefordshire town has asked for help after hair straighteners were stolen while a stylist was still in the building.

Reds Hair Company, in Henry Street, Ross-on-Wye, said two men had stolen the items from the shop area while a stylist was still working on a client after hours in a post on their Facebook page.

A spokesperson from the salon said the men came in and asked the stylist how much a gentlemen's cut is as a distraction, while looking at the retail stand, before grabbing a few boxes of GHD hair straighteners worth £299.


The other man held the door open for him, said the spokesperson.

"Police have been looking to see if CCTV is available as they ran off in the direction of Gwalia shop.

"If anyone saw or heard anything around this time in and around Ross, we would be very grateful.

"Thankfully, the stylist and her client are both ok, but what a horrible feeling."


A spokesperson from Ross-on-Wye Safer Neighbourhood Team said there had been a theft on March 8 at 9.05pm.

Two people entered the salon through the door leading onto the street, stole an amount of hair products displayed nearby and then left by the same door, said the spokesperson.

"My understanding is staff were present and the door was unlocked at the time in question.

"Enquiries are ongoing currently with PC Daniel Chitty.

"It was not a robbery as stated on Facebook as there were no threats of violence used by the two unknown persons prior to the theft being committed or during the theft being committed."