A THREE-minute silence will be held outside Hereford Cathedral this weekend as a part of national day of action to end violence against women and girls.

Mother's Union are organising #nomore1in3, a campaign which is part of its Global Day of Action to end violence against women and girls, this Saturday, November 27.

One in three women world-wide have experienced domestic and sexual violence – a statistic that soared following coronavirus pandemic lockdowns.

This Saturday, local members of the community will be standing together alongside key Mother's Union figureheads for three minutes of silence at 1.03pm for women suffering from abuse.

It will take place outside Hereford Cathedral, in the hope that the campaign will reach more people.

The Global Day of Action is the organisation's response to the call for 16 days of global activism against gender-based violence, a UN women's initiative, launched in 1991.

The Global 16 Days campaign runs annually from November 25 (International Day Against Violence Against Women) to December 10 (International Human Rights Day).

There are 4 million members of Mother's Union globally and this campaign is calling for action on an international scale to help stamp out domestic violence across all continents.

Find more information on their website here https://www.mothersunion.org/global-day-2021