THE Church Commissioners plan building 350 homes the first phase of 1,200 homes between Three Elms Road and Roman Road.

Construction will take place on a section of the Hereford bypass route.


I fear some members of the council may be predisposed to support planning permission with a view to making it impossible for a future administration to build the Western bypass.

It will also be in the commercial interests of the church commissioners for the bypass not to be built.

The private cars and essential commercial vehicles servicing this large community will increase traffic volumes on our already congested roads.

This nonsense about park and choose car parks will not provide the door to door public transport to schools, work places, businesses and shops which most people require. For example buses have now stopped services along Whitehorse Street and Westfaling Street.

Expecting families from 1,200 homes to walk, cycle or hop from bus to bus to move around Hereford is pie in the sky.

Rotherwas has been designated the industrial and commercial area for Hereford.

Why would any sensible administration support building 1,200 new homes on the diagonally opposite side of the city and not expect more traffic congestion.

Garry Cullen


  • What is your view on the housing plans? Have your views heard HERE