TEMPORARY buildings at a school near Kington are set to stay in place for a further three years while a permanent solution is considered.

A decision by Powys County Council planners this week will see temporary planning permission for a demountable school classroom building at Summergil House in Walton, north-west of Kington on the A44, a specialist school run by Orbis Education and Care.

Orbis specialises in providing individualised placements for children and adults with complex needs associated with autism.

Temporary planning consent for the unit was originally granted in 2018 for a period of 3 years while a separate application was submitted - that application is still pending consideration, leading to the extended use of the temporary building on site, which provides two classrooms and a breakout area for children.

"It should be noted that a further planning application is currently under the consideration of the Local Planning Authority for the construction of a permanent educational building at the site," read a decision report by planning officer Gwyn Humphreys.

"The temporary building is therefore required until such a time that a more permanent building is granted consent and constructed.

"Given that the site relates to a well-established educational facility which works with children, young people and adults, and that no operational development is proposed as part of the application, it is considered the development would be acceptable in-principle, subject to a condition being attached to any grant of consent to require the building’s removal after a period of three years. "

Consent for the building was granted by county council planners on October 18.