I AM incensed by the present climate of fear and confusion created by politicians and the media.

Our first-past-the-post voting system is not fit for purpose in the world of today.

Our political system encourages too many to believe success means getting to the top and telling others what to do.

We need a better electoral system that encourages grassroots activism dealing with problems and being accountable.

I would like politicians to stop posturing and help communities be proactive.

For that we need in depth consideration of problems and close examination of language.

Present style is hectoring rather than considered.

To my mind, our Prime Minister telling other national leaders to "grow up and follow the science" is the typical retort of a bully.

This is a man who has taken too long to realise the difficulty of 'following the science' and demonstrates problems facing the realities of family life rather late in life.

Where is the evidence of leadership? His ability to ignore inconvenient detail has lead to numerous problems.

Another politician on Any Questions answered, "What is the problem causing queues at petrol stations?", with, "There isn't any problem".

How out of touch with ordinary life – on a par with Marie Antoinette's, "Let them eat cake".

Ministers have to be capable of foreseeing problems and understanding implications; energy, imagination and cooperative working are key. I believe our present system breeds competition for personal gain rather than conscience.

Creativity is stifled by 'correctness' and humanity loses to manipulation.

Let's have proper debate about what matters for ordinary families and how to get communities working together. 

Barbara Ferris

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