National Star, a leading disability charity looking to employ more people in Herefordshire, has introduced a package of measures to enhance staff benefits.

Recognising the efforts of its existing staff, and to attract people to work in care and education, the charity has just announced a generous 5% pay increase for all staff from January 2022.

In addition all new staff will be welcomed with a bonus of up to £250, upon successful completion of their probation.

Add to this a health cashback scheme to help pay for potentially costly health & wellbeing treatments, a Cycle to Work scheme and money off high street retailers and family attractions, National Star is showing its commitment to its staff.

National Star already employs more than 60 full-time, part-time and term-time only staff in Herefordshire at its long-term living accommodation and day college for people with disabilities.

Now the organisation wishes to bolster its care and support worker team and is also looking for a part-time administrator to support managers.

Training and development is something that is done well at National Star. With a comprehensive induction programme for all staff, through to the chance for people to study towards healthcare and adult care apprenticeships, up to degree level, there are plenty of career development opportunities on offer.

Not only that but the work is interesting and varied, with care and support workers spending large amounts of time out and about in the local community supporting people with disabilities to live their best life.

A recent staff survey revealed that 96 per cent of staff were proud to work at National Star. Is it time you felt motivated at work again? View National Star’s latest vacancies at