A GRANT for e-bikes is now available to Herefordshire businesses.

Businesses can now apply for grant funding to purchase an e-bike or e-cargo bike to give a low carbon solution to business travel.

The electric bikes will provide businesses with a healthier alternative to car travel, while saving money on fuel and vehicle maintenance.

Cycling often saves time when travelling for meetings or to make deliveries, cuts air pollution and will also help the county reach its target of becoming zero carbon by 2030.

The scheme is being funded as part of a £6million investment from the Government’s Covid-19 Outbreak Management Funds, as part of Herefordshire Council’s Covid-19 recovery plan to support economic and wellbeing recovery in the county.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to fund up to 100% of the cost of the e-bike or e-cargo bike. Any business in Herefordshire with paid employees can apply - as long as they have been in operation for at least one year.

The final deadline for submitting your application is Wednesday 1 December 2021. For more information and to apply online, please visit www.herefordshire.gov.uk/ebikegrant

If you would like to discuss your application please contact the Delegated Grants Team on 01432 260753 or email delegatedgrants@herefordshire.gov.uk