AFTER returning to live in Hereford after 40 years I’m pleased to see that not much has changed other than the market redevelopment and the short sightedness of the council. 


I read with despair the article about the removal of pavement cafe permits to enable the traffic to park at the kerbside in the city.

Herefordshire Council tell us to embrace green travel and are trying to encourage people to visit our beautiful city and one of the best ways is for people to sit on pavement cafes and enjoy the sights.

Bringing in more polluting cars will do only one thing, increase the income to the council in parking fees or am I being a cynic?

The next thing they will stop the very popular cafe operating at Victoria Bridge as it conflicts with their own leisure centre cafe.

Oops, no, its licence has been revoked already.

Chris Santry

  • Do you think pavement cafe permits should be allowed? Have your say HERE