HEREFORD County Hospital has received £4.7 million grant to upgrade the site, due to be completed later this year.

The grant is part of an energy upgrade at the hospital site, off the A465, which will see its carbon footprint shrink.

The Wye Valley NHS Trust said it was part of its attempt to take a significant step in lowering their carbon emissions.

The upgrade will reduce carbon emissions at this site by 510 carbon tonnes per year and in turn reduce the Trust’s energy bill by £75k to 100k a year.

The funding comes as part of a wider national decarbonisation plan supported by a grant scheme from The Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS), which helps the public sector work towards their net-zero goals.

The multimillion-pound upgrade is underway to provide greener energy and efficiency to Hereford County Hospital and six of the older buildings on the site, including the Education and Development Centre, Post Graduate Medical Centre, Longfield House staff accommodation and Lionel Green building.

Work has already started with the installation of 3,170 low energy lights in the main hospital building, and will be followed by more than 300 roof solar panels, which will provide enough to power the equivalent of 27 UK homes per year. Modern switching mechanisms.

1,163 pipework insulation jackets and 263 metres of pipework lagging to reduce heat loss are also being installed in the buildings across the site.

A ground source heat pump network, nearly six miles long, is also now being installed at locations around the hospital grounds.  This will pump water, naturally warmed by the earth, and convert it into heat to provide useable heat to six of the buildings on the site.

Alan Dawson, Director of Strategy and Planning at Wye Valley NHS Trust: “We’re very pleased to receive this grant to enable us to undertake this exciting and significant move forward to help reduce our carbon footprint and improve our environmental sustainability.

“We have already taken a number of steps to reduce our carbon footprint at our community hospitals and this builds upon that progress.

“We are committed to reducing the impact our activities have on the environment by introducing these new technologies."

The company delivering the project is Centrica Business Solutions.

Tony Orton, Head of Healthcare Business Development said: "The Trust should be congratulated for taking a further big step towards Net Zero.

"The range of technologies we are helping them to implement will mean significant improvements in efficiency and sustainability across the estate."