A DRUNK man was arrested after an early-morning fight in a Hereford street.

Jakob Newman-Watt admitted being drunk and disorderly when he appeared before magistrates in Hereford.

Police were called to reports of a group of men fighting in Widemarsh Street at 6am on June 1, prosecutor Melanie Winterflood said.

Newman-Watt, who officers recognised, was shouting and swearing and refused to cooperate with officers.

He was arrested after officers decided his behaviour was likely to distress morning commuters and was released later that day.

The court heard Newman-Watt was subject to a conditional discharge and a community order at the time.

Speaking on his own behalf, the 22-year-old said he had been homeless for a long time but that he now has accommodation and is due to start a job at M&M Direct.

A probation report said Newman-Watt had been regularly attending required sessions, got on well with officers, and had done a lot of work to address his behaviour.

Newman-Watt, of Oakfield Road, Hereford, was fined £50. He must also pay costs of £50 and a £34 victim surcharge.