LONG before the Old Market development was conceived in Hereford, the city embarked on a project to create a shopping centre that would draw in the crowds for miles around.

Maylord Street. Photo: Dave Jones

Maylord Street. Photo: Dave Jones

Maylord Street, once home to businesses and the Chadds warehouse, was to become the site of Hereford's new shopping centre, which would open in the late 1980s.

And members of our We Grew Up in Herefordshire Facebook group have been sharing their memories after Dave Jones shared these pictures of demolition work getting underway at the site.

Maylord Street. Photo: Dave Jones

Maylord Street. Photo: Dave Jones

Paul Bullar remembered the old Chadds department store warehouse next to Lindsey Price's furniture shop, complete with cellar and passages that ran "for quite a distance."

"Was very spooky," Paul said.

Maylord Street. Photo: Dave Jones

Maylord Street. Photo: Dave Jones

Shelagh Jones said it was strange to see the last days of her grandfather's Golden Wings taxi business premises before the site was cleared.

And Tracey Cowan remembered visits to the Coffee Pantry Cafe and the Outback record shop.

Hereford Times: Maylord Street, Hereford, todayMaylord Street, Hereford, today

Maylords now

Maylords now

What are your memories of Maylord Street? You can join the chat by heading to our We Grew Up in Hereford Facebook group.