A SUPPORTED employment and training charity has welcomed the Chancellor's Budget today.

On apprenticeships, Chancellor Rishi Sunak said they were doubling the incentive payments for businesses to £3,000.

Supported employment and training charity Landau has a site in Hereford.

Sonia Roberts, CEO, said: “Younger members of our society have been some of the hardest hit by the pandemic in terms of job losses or even the ability to get started on a career trajectory.

"We’re pleased the Chancellor has recognised this in today’s announcement and there will be a focus and funding to support apprenticeships and training.

“The Government’s commitment to support lifetime training and skills is also extremely good news.

"Despite huge efforts to protect jobs throughout the crisis, many people still face the prospect of redundancy as a result of the longer-term impact of the pandemic.

"The Government must now remain true to its word and make sure funding is in place so that people can retrain and get the skills they need to enable them to access new employment opportunities in the future.

"Unfortunately for many, the toughest times may still be to come.”