TENS of thousands of trips have been made on Hereford's Beryl Bikes this year.

Users of the city's bikeshare scheme have racked up an impressive near-55,000 trips totalling 182,118 kilometres during 2020.

The 54,340 trips taken by Beryl Bike are equivalent to 30.04 tonnes of CO2 saved.

Across the UK, 10,000 free trips were taken by the NHS and key workers during the first national lockdown on Beryl Bikes, allowing them to make essential journeys in a safe way. In partnership with Herefordshire Council, Beryl provided 80,000 free minutes to essential workers across Hereford.

A survey of local riders also shows the lasting impact that Beryl’s bikeshare service is making across Hereford. Of the respondents surveyed, 55% said their ride on a Beryl bike was the first time cycling after a break, and 35% of those that cycle regularly are doing so more often since using Beryl Bikes. The bikeshare scheme also appears to be changing people’s transport habits, with 40% of respondents acknowledging they use their private cars less often.

Beryl is now offering riders 50% off their 200-minute bundles from December 23 to 27.

Beryl CEO Philip Ellis, said it’s great to see the scheme continuing to have a positive impact on the area.

Councillor John Harrignton, cabinet member for infrastructure and roads Herefordshire, said: “Council would like to extend its thanks to all who chose to make their journeys in a sustainable way using Beryl Bikes this year despite the adversity 2020 has provided. We are delighted to see the scheme grow this year to 66 bays and 200 bikes resulting in even more residents and visitors to the county choosing to make their trip using the bikeshare.”

To hire a Beryl Bike, users can download the Beryl app for free from the App Store for iOS, and the Google Play Store for Android. Bikes can be picked up and dropped off in marked ‘Beryl Bays’ which are visible both in app and on the street. 

For more information on the bike share scheme across Hereford, visit beryl.cc.