This time of lockdown demands we all have ‘to do our best’.

I want to be positive but, to take care of myself and others, I have to know the risks – are there any certainties about how the virus spreads?

I recommend a link a friend sent

This shows why fresh air, distancing and masks are important but not enough on their own.

Clear, evidence-based information should surely be the Government’s concern?

People respond better when knowing why they should act a certain way.

Sustained education works better for me than sound-bites and unsustainable promises.

Serious mistakes have been made: inefficient systems, waste of money and lost opportunities.

No one taking responsibility. SAGE may be more open but has spawned Independent Sage, causing disputed decisions and consequent confusion.

Eminent scientists are banding together in protest.

We need efficiency and common consent; a sense of urgency but based on calm honest reasoning.

Blanket lock-down is a negative way to handle the present challenges.

Central ‘power’ is a blunt instrument.

Let’s have partnership.

Local authorities and health services have shown ability to adapt and should be in charge of their own needs; they can make Track and Trace systems work.

The Government should be listening to them.

To me, democracy means people working together for the way they want their life to be; discussing possibilities, learning from experience, encouraging the best.

Barbara Ferris
