HEREFORDSHIRE Council has reached an "amicable settlement" with chief executive Neil Pringle over his early retirement deal.

Mr Pringle, with the council since its start as a shadow authority in 1997, is going with less than his contract entitles him to in bringing forward his original retirement date.

Taking charge of Herefordshire Council at its start as a shadow authority in 1997, Mr Pringle was going to go in February next year. He has opted to go sooner in the wake of the Crookall Report that heavily criticised the council's management and political culture.

Mr Pringle's fixed term contract was due to end on September 30 2008, subject to six months' notice of termination. That contract acknowledges the payment of additional monies if it is not ended by mutual agreement.

The Hereford Times has learned that under the terms of the "amicable" settlement - decided in secret session by a panel of senior councillors - any payments made to Mr Pringle for the early termination of his contract will relate solely to a sum that reflects the original agreement for him to retire on February 5 next year.

Though no figures are being confirmed at this stage, the sum is said to be significantly below that which Mr Pringle would be entitled to under the terms of his contract.

The council is saying that reports of Mr Pringle leaving with multiples of his annual salary are "completely without foundation."

Mr Pringle leaves the council at the end of this week. New chief executive Chris Bull takes over on Monday (Dec 10).