A ROAD in Hereford will be closed for eight months while developers work to build 71 new houses.

More than 40 prefab bungalows in Beattie Avenue were set to be demolished to make way for the new homes, which will be a mix of bungalows and houses.

But in order for the development to take place, the road will be closed from Monday, June 15 for eight months while the residential development and highway works are completed by Harper Group, Herefordshire Council said.

Demolition work has been carried out at the site, with work starting on February 5.

READ MORE: Demolition work finally begins on Hereford bungalows

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The plans for the site include 21 social rents for existing Beattie Avenue residents, 19 private rental homes, 11 for affordable rental, 10 homes for shared ownership and 10 for rent to buy.

Each property will be allocated parking and there will also be spaces for visitors and plans include traffic calming measures for the avenue.

READ MORE: Developers set out plans for Beattie Avenue

The developers previously said their aim is to provide an attractive and appropriate scheme that reflects the scale of the surrounding neighbourhood.