A HEREFORD woman who is stuck in Spain due to the coronavirus lockdown fears she’ll be fined for not displaying a parking permit on her car back home.

Jennifer Vega Real has renewed her residential parking permit, but can’t get back to her car in Richmond Street to update it.

She is currently in lockdown near Malaga in the south of Spain, and she could not return to the UK after flights from Spain were cancelled.

Although she has been able to renew her parking permit, she is worried traffic wardens will still fine her as it is not on display.

She says she has struggled to get any reassurances from the council that she won’t be fined if she can’t return after the lockdown is lifted in the UK.

“I emailed the council who said not to worry about getting fined because traffic wardens aren’t working at the moment.

“I appreciate that, but there is every chance I am not going to be back to do that.

“The trouble is I might not be able to return to the UK when they do go back to work because there aren’t any direct flights.

“They’ve always said if you can’t get your paper in the window you will be fined.

“I spoke to a lady in the appeals office who said it was up to the enforcement officers.”

A council spokesperson said Jennifer's permit remained valid.

“We were very sorry to hear about the resident’s difficult situation, but we can assure her that her permit remains valid as she has made an application to renew it,” she said.

“Herefordshire Council is taking a sensitive and pragmatic approach to parking enforcement during these uncertain times.

“Residents can rest assured that we have temporarily suspended the enforcement of out-of-date permits, and new permits will be issued before our civil enforcement officers return to full duties.

“We would like to remind residents that it is still prohibited to park on yellow line restrictions or cause an obstruction to other motorists or pedestrians.”