VANDALS have targeted flats in Ross-on-Wye again as the owners wait to hear the result of a planing application to improve what residents call a dangerous eyesore.

Local residents said River View Flats on Wye Street need to be improved because they're located where visitors to the town go.

Proposals to improve the building include alterations and an extension to the four existing flats, but currently the windows are being smashed by vandals.

Susan Howe from Ross walks past the houses closer to the River Wye every day and said it's a disgrace.

"They are right where tourists go, you have to pass them from town to get to the bandstand," she said.

"They are an eyesore and dangerous now the local kids have taken to smashing windows. The Riverside pub opposite also needs attention drawn to it. There are squatters in, don't get me wrong I support anyone needing somewhere to live, but the place is a disgrace, right where it counts.

"There is too much of this - the old bookshop in town is another disgrace but not as bad as the flats and pub."

Herefordshire Council were due to make a decision on the planning application by March 31, but are yet to approve or reject the plans which would include the external staircases being removed.

Another local resident said it's not the first time they've seen people smashing the glass and has contacted the police.

She said: "I do worry about what could happen, the older people that live right opposite are nervous. They started up a petition to the council back last year to get the flats sorted.

"The owners were enforced to 'tidy them up', so they sent in builders to rip the place apart and board them up, which looks even worse but yet that was deemed as an acceptable 'tidy up'.

"The same happened with the Riverside Pub. I think there were squatters in the flats last year too.

"We get so many tourists up and down that street every year and without fail they all say what a shame about the flats."

Ross-on-Wye Town Council have supported the application.