ROSS Rotarians David Burgess, Ian Benjamin, Brian Cole and Stuart Ross together with president Phillip Dazeley, attended the Hereford Group Training Association Annual Apprentice Awards Evening at the Court Yard Theatre on November 13.

The evening is an opportunity to celebrate achievement in all the branches of industry and commerce. As each award was presented to the winning candidate a resume of the advancement in their particular course was read out.

Winner of the Ross Rotary John Rowberry Award was Elliot Volpe from Haigh Engineering.

Without exception all winners were praised for their keen involvement, always looking to learn more, asking questions and sharing knowledge with others on the same programme. Their employers remarked on the level of understanding of their particular employee and how they were looking to find changes to working practices to the benefit of the company.

The awards were presented by the Ocean brothers - Dr Greg Bailey aged 28 and Jude Massey aged 19. They are half-brothers that set out to row across the Atlantic in memory of their father Peter Massey who died from skin cancer in 2015.

Their adventure took 53 days to cover 3,000 miles, with neither ever having rowed a boat before.

Ross Rotary Club meets every Monday evening 6.30pm for 7pm at the Chase Hotel and as a guest or a potential member or if you just want to find out more about us you'll be made very welcome. Please visit our website at