MURIEL Smith, Labour's women's officer for the Hereford and South Herefordshire constituency said her party was committed to women's equality and welfare.

In the 100th year since some women were granted the right to vote, she said her party would continue to fight for women's causes.

She was speaking after Dawn Butler's speech to Labour National Women's Conference in Liverpool.

Dawn Butler MP is the shadow minister for women and equalities. Dawn told her audience that under Conservative austerity, women are poorly paid and under paid. She said a future Labour government would close the gender pay gap and put equality centre stage.

She said domestic abuse is a hidden killer and remains at epidemic levels.

The most recent Office for National Statistics survey shows 1.2million women have experience domestic abuse in Britain in a year.

The impact on the victim and those around them is devastating.

She said the plight of women has been exacerbated by Conservative cuts, putting women's refuges in crisis.