A PUPIL who was helped by the County Air Ambulance has inspired her school to raise money for the service.

A few weeks ago, Maddy Barber, who attends Ashperton Primary School, suffered a suspected neck injury and had to be helped by the air ambulance.

Since then, her fellow pupils have taken part in a playtime skipping challenge and helped to run a healthy food cafe.

School Superskip was organised by teaching assistants Cris Hooper and Deb Lange and children paid £1 to join in.

Food for the cafe was cooked by all classes in the school with help from Cris Hooper and Lindsey Dixon, another teaching assistant, opening the doors to sell the produce.

Parents and staff did their bit too, taking part in an aerobics session ruan by teacher and qualified aerobics instructor Alison Skinner.

The events tied in nicely with the school's Well Being Week, during which children were encouraged to take part in activities related to health and fitness.

Pupils have taken part in tai-chi, yoga, dance and drama as well as planting in the school garden and enjoying visits from local farmers.

Year 6 have even been able to use the Fitness Truck, a travelling gym available to schools across Herefordshire courtesy of Whitecross Sports Academy, Hereford.

The children also exhibited activities they take part in outside of school, such as gymnastics and kick-boxing and Year 5 and 6 pupils taught other classes about PHSE issues, including friendship and stress management.