Sport Relief at Trinity Primary School

Trinity Triathlon - Run, skip and swim for Sport Relief on March 18.

In keeping with our drive to raise participation in sporting events at Trinity, the whole school, 600 children and staff, took part in Sport Relief this year. The whole day was dedicated to learning about how Sport Relief raises money and what the money goes, as well as taking an active part in raising money for this good cause.

To inspire the children to 'be the best they can be' we delighted to start the day with a visit from six time Paralympics Swimming Champion Sascha Kindred, who talked to the children about his journey from early childhood to achieving six Paralympics gold medals, nine World gold medals, and eleven European Championship gold medals.

The theme for the event was a run, swim, and skipping triathlon

Swim - During the week beginning March 14 all 600 children all swam as many lengths/widths as they could during their usual school swimming lesson.

Run - On March 18, all children took part in a run around the local area. The route was 0.7 miles for children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 and 1.4 miles for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 who completed two circuits of the route.

Skip - In addition to the run, on the Friday, the children also took part in a non-stop skip across the day in the school Hall.

In Total £600 was raised by the school for Sport Relief.

Lily Brown in Year 1 said "I didn't know I could run that far"

" I really enjoyed completing this challenge and can't believe how well I did" Angel Ellison Year 4.