I HAVE really enjoyed campaigning to be your next MP. Many people I’ve met have said how pleased they are that the Green Party is making its voice heard, offering a real alternative to business-as-usual politics from the main parties.

Austerity is not the only way – leading economists are now saying that it has hampered our economic recovery even though cuts in public services are hurting the most vulnerable.

What’s different about the Greens? We’re not afraid to say it like it is.

Austerity has failed – our society is increasingly unequal and reliant on low wages, public services are run down, climate change isn’t taken seriously enough and we have a housing crisis.

Economic growth alone won’t bring equality; we need publicly funded investment to create a healthy economy, society and environment.

Housing in the UK tells the story. The almost unbridgeable gulf between owners and non-owners means many young people, like myself, are stuck – unable to afford to buy a home but ineligible for the scarce council and housing association houses still left. Green policies aim to make housing affordable and sustainable, ensuring there is enough for all, and providing greater security and quality in the private rented sector.

Energy costs remain a concern. We believe that renewable energy can supply all we need for a comfortable standard of living, but only if we invest wisely and manage demand sensibly – by reducing energy waste and improving efficiency.

This will tackle fuel poverty, create warmer homes and green jobs. The UK already has the technology, what is lacking is the political leadership to build a cleaner, more local, more affordable, more democratic and more reliable energy future.

Please vote Green in this general election and for our county councillors and give us a chance to work for a better future for Herefordshire.