WHAT kind of economy and growth do we want? Economic growth comes neither from excessive faith in the markets (Conserv- ative) nor blind faith in the State (Labour). Running a small business here myself, I think finding the right balance is essential.

All around are the consequences of getting it wrong. Are we well served by a woeful rail service supplied by a failed “market” solution, or a State that cannot provide us with decent road connections?

What sort of growth? I think a step change in education and training is the best investment for our economic future – and it is within our power. The revitalisation of apprenticeships is a great start. Can we create a real centre of excellence in the proposed Herefordshire University?

Intelligent public investment is key. Locally, we lack effective local transport and decent broadband. Britain is a huge tourist destination and Herefordshire needs its share. We need to get our products to market and more people want to move here, increasing the fund of talent. Better transport and communication links are essential.

The EU is a free market most countries outside would die for. In it, our businesses trade efficiently across Europe. Our hop growers are in demand from micro-brewers. Let’s help other local businesses reach beyond the county.

Encouraging employment is pivotal. A living wage is an important bedrock. We should not build our economy on low wages which we then subsidise through benefits. Many Herefordshire businesses rely on seasonal labour. We should remain open and address the housing, education and health policy consequences.

Our economic destiny is largely in our own hands. We must eradicate the deficit; we owe it to our young people. Meanwhile we can help a lot individually by buying locally and, when possible, goods made in Britain.