THE national debt has almost doubled under this Conservative/LibDem government to an eye-watering £1.6 trillion.

They promised they would erase the deficit within this Parliament but it’s still running at a scandalous £90 billion a year and still David Cameron keeps telling us we are the sixth richest nation in the world. So I ask myself, ‘Really. Where is all our money?’

We have had decades of this economic incompetence but now you have a chance to vote for a broad-based party who are made up of normal people who live and work in the real world, to hold the balance of power and to keep the next Government in check.

The Conservatives and LibDems tell us there are more people in employment than at any time in our history. Well, I suppose they’re right, after all the LibLabCon have let in millions with their ‘open borders’ policy but the economic downside is the massive taxpayer cost and strain on our NHS, schools, housing, benefit system causing wage compression to the hard-working British.

The minimum wage is now the maximum wage for many British workers and it’s because we are members of this failed European Union.

As a consequence, I fear the charm of my beautiful Herefordshire will be lost forever if we don’t control who we let in to our great nation. If we leave the European Union, BMW, Mercedes, Siemens and the like will not stop trading with us.

UKIP will increase the personal tax allowance to £13,500. UKIP will ensure big corporations pay their fair share of tax. UKIP will abolish inheritance tax. UKIP will cut business rates by 20% for companies with a total rateable value of less than £50,000.

UKIP will take back control of our great nation and will always put the British people first.