QUIZ NIGHT - The October quiz takes place tomorrow at 8pm, with a charge of £5 per team of up to four members. There is a cash prize for the winners and a prize for the ‘tail-end Charlies’.

Refreshments will be available and contestants are welcome to bring their own beverages if desired.

APPLE PRESSING DAY - This Saturday Simon Abbiss will again be pressing apples at the parish hall. You are invited to bring your apples along (and don’t forget to bring containers to hold the juice). You can either keep the pressed apples as juice or try your hand at making cider.

Advice will be given on the day.

Pressing will start at about 10am and carry on till about 3pm. You will be amazed that even a few carrier bags of apples will make several litres of fresh juice. We plan to hold a barbecue, weather permitting, and there may be cider tasting from last year’s pressing so please bring along any you want to share.

HARVEST CONCERT - Whitton Voices, a community choir from Presteigne, will be performing in Aymestrey Church on Saturday, at 7.30pm. The programme includes songs from around the world, including African and Eastern European, and may well include Beatles songs, sea shanties and rousing harvest calls. Tickets are £5 on the door.

CHURCH SERVICE - On Sunday there will be a service of holy communion at Aymestrey Church at 9.30am.

DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES - On November 16, a magical magician’s night will take place at Aymestrey village hall, which will be an evening of intrigue and mystery with the magician giving an audience participation performance. The early part of the show will focus on the younger members of the audience so it is hoped that many children will attend. This will be a first for Aymestrey parish hall and tickets will be available shortly.

THANK YOU - Following her sixweek stay in Queen Elizabeth Hospital following heart surgery, it is really good to welcome parish stalwart, Helen Roberts home again to Leinthall Earls. Helen has been cheered by all the cards and messages of support she has received and wishes to thank everyone.