HARVEST FESTIVAL - The festival is being celebrated in the church on October 11 at 7pm. Once again representative offerings will be made and items collected for the Ledbury Food Bank. Afterwards, a bring-and-share supper is being hosted at Church House by Ian and Hilary McMillan – all are welcome, please bring your own drinks. This will be a great opportunity to give thanks for the bumper harvest most have enjoyed this year.

CHURCH SERVICES - Holy communion will take place on October 13 at 8.30am and a family praise service on October 27, at 10am, to include holy communion.

CONCERT DATE CHANGE - Please note that the date of the annual concert has been changed and Flight of Fancy will now take place on October 18, at 7pm, taking you around the world in words and music.

This is not a ticket event, but donations for the church will be gratefully accepted. There will be delicious refreshments to enjoy during the interval – an event not to be missed and usually a full house, so come early if you want a good seat.

PAUSE FOR THOUGHT - Is on October 24, 7.30pm, at Grove Cottage.