PUDDING EVENING - Monday, at Kingstone Village Hall, 6pm-7.30pm. Come and enjoy as many puddings as you like and support Kingstone Brownies and Guides. Draw and refreshments.

REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY LUNCH - November 10, at Kingstone Village Hall, 1pm.

Come and join a traditional Sunday lunch on this special day.

Tickets £8 adult, £5 child, for two courses. Please bring your own drinks (tea and coffee available).

Tickets from Nikki Addis on 01981 251720 or Chris Anstey on 250687.

LUNCHBOX - The charity lunchbox and bingo on August 6, in aid of the Macmillan Cancer Appeal was wonderfully supported. As a result the committee was able to send a cheque for £500 to the charity.