MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING - Saturday, 10.30am-4pm, at Ewyas Harold Memorial Hall, HR2 0EL. All are welcome.

COUNCIL MEETING - The September parish council meeting was held in the Pavilion with Coun Mrs J Webb in the chair; also present were the clerk, Herefordshire councillor Graham Powell and four members of the public.

Community library: Coun Sarah Eynon updated members on the status of the present library. The clerk would provide councillors with details of the contact with Hereford Housing.

Public Forum: Richard Stone requested an update of the neighbourhood plan.

Summer Fair: Councillor Sarah Eynon reported on the £5,000 profit which was distributed among local societies and local organisations.

County councillor’s report: Coun Powell gave a detailed report on the latest decisions at county level; this included the future of schools and education in the county.

Clerk’s post: Five expressions of interest have been received and five council members have been delegated to conduct the interviews.

Catholic Church: This agenda item had been moved to the end of the meeting, the public were excluded from the discussion given the possible disclosure of information which might influence the tendering process.

A proposal was submitted and carried unanimously that the group parish council will attempt to acquire the land and buildings known as the Catholic Church.

The next meeting of the council will be held in Rowlestone Village Hall on December 1 at 7.15pm.

PRIMARY SCHOOL - There is something special about a new school year for everyone – children, staff and parents – with a feeling of excitement and expectation. The school welcomes the 14 new children who have joined the reception class and two new children in class one and two and it is hoped that they enjoy their time at Ewyas Harold Primary School. Classes three and six will be swimming this term and a variety of after-school clubs have started including art, mad science, recorder, tag rugby, choir, board games, a newspaper and superstars multi-skills.

TAIZE PRAYER - At Dore Abbey tomorrow (Friday) 8pm-9pm.

POP IN - Drop in at Ewyas Harold Methodist Chapel on Saturday for a friendly cup of coffee and a chat.

HARVEST FESTIVAL - On Saturday at 3pm in Kilpeck followed by tea in the village hall.

COMMUNITY LARDERS - The Churches Action Team in Herefordshire provides food to individuals and families in need referred to it by the appropriate agencies. Please donate non-perishable food which can be left in St Michael’s Church or delivered to the food bank at Unit 5, 32 Aubrey Street, Hereford.

GROUP SERVICE - September 29 this year – the feast of St Michael and All Angels – is on a fifth Sunday and so there will be a group communion service at 10am. It is also Back to Church Sunday, a time to invite someone along to this special service.

There will be refreshments.