AFRICAN EVENING - The Cage Brook parishes' African evening will take place in Eaton Bishop Village Hall from 7pm on Saturday, to raise money for the Hegongo School in Tanzania (the school sponsored by the Abbeydore Deanery). A Tanzanian-style meal will be served, and African-style clothing will be worn by those who are able. A few hymns in the Swahili language are being performed by a ‘choir’ of local volunteers.

Tickets are on sale in advance from Sheila Joy on 250308, priced £10 adults and £5 children.

COME DANCING - A fun evening of dancing and jollity with Paul Hornsby is happening in Kingstone Village Hall on September 27, from 7.30pm.

Tickets for the event, to include a buffet supper with wine, soft drinks, tea and coffee, are on sale at only £7.50 adults and £3.50 children under 11 from Tiz on 251303 or Paul on 250677. A lively time is guaranteed.