BIG WINE QUIZ - A quiz in support of Megan Baker House will be held at Bishops Frome village centre from 7pm tomorrow (Friday). There will be expert wine tasting advice, with four red and four white wines to try, plus a buffet supper, an auction of promises and trick-or-treat raffle. For tickets, at £16 per person or £90 per team of six, call 01531 640386, 07855 300815, or 01568 616179.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - At their September meeting members of Bishops Frome and Fromes Hill Parish Council were given a presentation on the advantages of having a Neighbourhood Plan and decided to go ahead. The local Parish Plan, which deals with most aspects of village life, is nearing completion but a Neighbourhood Plan tends to cover planning matters and the use of local land and enables the council and parishioners to have more control over local development. While only the Parish Council is authorised to produce a Neighbourhood Plan, it should be part of a joint exercise involving as many people as possible.

Anyone interested in taking part is invited to contact the parish clerk at the usual address.

COFFEE MORNING - Bishops Frome village centre is taking part in the World’s Biggest Coffee Morning on September 27 from 10am until noon.