EXHIBITION - Time Out, an exhibition of leisure activities from the past up to the present, has artefacts on loan from local people, Hereford Museum loans service, and local history societies. it will be in St Peter’s Church, Withington as part of the Festival of Churches weekend. The collection includes many children’s toys and games, embroidery, patchwork, knitting, weaving, artwork, photography, carpentry, sport, gardening and music.

There are some hands-on activities for children. Open tomorrow (Friday) 2pm-5pm, Saturday 10am-6pm and Sunday 11-4pm, to be followed by a special service of songs Of praise.

There will be tea and cakes available.

The exhibition is free but donations are welcome. For more information, call 01432 850074.

MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING - September 27, in the village hall. Coffee, cakes, bring-and-buy and some live music, 10am-noon.

Donations go to Macmillan Cancer Support. For further details, ring 01432 850074.