ANNUAL FETE - On August 3 at 3pm the fete will be opened by Alan Lloyd, of Kington. Cakes, preserves, a bottle stall, Chinese auction, vintage goods, books, children’s toys, games, plants, crafts and produce should appeal to adults and children. This year the children will have a tent for face painting, story-telling and a lucky dip. The ever popular fancy dress competition for children will take place but costumes must be home-made.

WALK AND DUCK RACE - On August 17, meet at the village hall car park at 2pm for transport to the start of the walk at Burl Hill.

The leisurely and scenic walk is back to the village hall for refreshments before the duck race at 4.30pm. Tickets for the race and further information are available from Mr M Johnson on 01544 370296.

SHEEPDOG TRIALS - Will take place at The Court of Gladestry over the weekend beginning August 23 at noon. For further information, call Mr G Powell on 01544 370390 or Mr V Lloyd on 370636. Entrants and spectators are very welcome to this interesting and enjoyable event where refreshments will be served all day.