CRICKET MATCH - Staunton-on- Wye school versus the pre-school.

A cricket match will be held at Garnon’s Estate on July 7 from 11.30am. There will be a barbecue, cream teas, a raffle and various childrens activities. All welcome.

CREAM TEAS - Will be held in Staunton-on-Wye Village Hall on July 7 from 3pm-5pm - All proceeds to Staunton church.

NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN - Following the recent public meeting, the parish council has now formed a steering committee made up of parish councillors and volunteer residents. The committee will be responsible for putting together the neighbourhood plan incorporating views of the residents at the public meeting and at subsequent meetings. The plan will have to conform with strategic policies of the local plan set by the Herefordshire Council.

It will be tested in an independent examination.

The plan will need to demonstrate involvement of the local community throughout the plan preparation and decision making and will be subject to a community referendum upon completion. Once adopted, it will become a statutory plan and part of the Herefordshire Core Strategy and will be used in making planning decisions on applications by Herefordshire Council in this area.