PARISH PLAN - Work on the parish plan is continuing and is now entering the important stage of pulling together ideas that have been generated to form a questionnaire, which will be taken round to every house in the parish later in the summer. As reported last month several focus groups have completed their draft questions. Members of the steering group have now visited most of the services provided in the village to seek views on what they do at present, and opportunities and challenges for the future. A great deal of useful background information has been collected, and there is no doubt that there is scope for developments and improvements in the future. By the time this article appears the steering group intends to have drafted questions relating to services, leisure, communications and business, and to have compiled the first draft of the questionnaire. This will be submitted to professional support for advice on its final wording before it hits your letter boxes.

In the meantime the playing field group is continuing to translate thoughts into action. A third quote for redesign and provision of equipment has now been received, and the group will be comparing the submissions in detail at the next meeting to select the preferred provider.

Meanwhile work will have started in gathering together information about what is needed to apply for grants and commencing the applications. It is hoped at the next meeting that the constitution for the permanent subgroup of the parish council which will continue to take responsibility for the development and running of the playing field will be finalised. The present playing field focus group is really excited by the potential designs, which it hopes will be a valuable asset for everybody in the village. There is going to be an event on the playing field and in the village hall on July 20, where people of all ages will be invited to join in sports and games free of charge, and which will also include some fundraising for the playing field fund. The vibrant designs for the playing field will also be on display.

The parish plan steering group hopes that people will take the trouble to fill in the questionnaires when they arrive as they will give everyone a chance to say what they would like to see improved in the parish, and from these responses an action plan will be drawn up to give direction on what changes need to be worked on. Obviously these are difficult times, and indeed in these days of austerity and cuts local and central government are clearly hoping that local developments will fill some of the gaps. While it may not be possible to meet all needs, it is surprising what can be done by small local projects to improve the lives of local residents of all ages and backgrounds. It is fully intended that the parish plan is not just an exercise to tick boxes, but results in practical measures which are of benefit to the people in our parish.

All are still welcome to meetings scheduled for July which are: playing field focus group next Thursday, July 4; transport and business forum July 17; and the steering group July 16. Meetings are at 7.30pm at Innesfield.

For further information, please contact Alison Davies on 01981 251012 or Carole Protherough on 01981 251012.

VILLAGE HALL - Clehonger Village Hall held its annual general meeting on June 14.

Chairman Audrey Evans reported that it had been a successful year, with the hall fully booked for events and activities, and on a sound financial footing. The financial position has been enhanced by savings in electricity bills and income from the first full year of the solar panels, and negotiations resulting in keeping other fuel tariffs down. Trustees were elected and at the subsequent committee meeting officers were selected. The committee for 2013- 2014 is: chairman Audrey Evans, treasurer Joyce Rider and secretary Carole Protherough.

Committee members are Jan Jefferies, Stephen Innes, Barry Seamons, Jim Jones, and Rose Mussell. The representatives of other organisations are Doris Clarke (Golden Valley Music Club), Jean Hammond (parish council) Brenda Batty (Clehonger church) Kathy Clay (Tuesday Club).

The committee is starting to prepare for fund-raising events in the coming months which will include an autumn supper on September 14, and a Christmas bingo on November 22.

The committee would like to thank all who have contributed to the activities of the village hall over the past year.