HOMES PLAN - Kingstone and Thruxton Group Parish Council reviewed the 196 representations made on the Herefordshire Council planning website relating to the Archihaus planning proposal for 150 houses in Kingstone – applciation 130351/F.

There are 114 objections to this planning application, plus one objection with a petition of 70 people.

Virtually all the objections are from local residents of Kingstone, (representing about 40 per cent of the households in the village). All raise grave concerns about the impact of such a large development on the village.

There are 79 supporters for the planning application, including the county councillor for Tupsley, and two internal Herefordshire Council departments (the planning policy unit, and housing development officer). It was noted that while considering this proposal the housing development officer referred to the need for 102 affordable houses (identified from housing needs surveys), of which Kingstone only required 15 affordable houses, the remaining 87 being split amongst the neighbouring parishes of Abbeydore, Trevill, Eaton Bishop, Clehonger, Madley and Allensmore. The parish council says it is “very concerned” that Kingstone seems to be the focus for all the affordable housing required in the locality. It was also noted that of the 78 supporters for this planning application, only eight were from local residents including senior officials from the schools based in Kingstone, “whom it could be argued have a vested interest in the application being approved”.

There are also two comments/ conditions from organisations consulted about the planning application. Based on the analysis of the 196 representations, the parish council said it “will continue to represent the views of the vast majority of residents of Kingstone, and strongly oppose this planning application”.