EASTER LILIES - The church this year will be decorated with Easter lilies. Anyone wishing to make a contribution in memory of a loved one can call Anna Russell of Webbs Orchard on 01531 670378.

Ashperton SPEEDING - On March 5 there was a site meeting involving parish councillors from Ashperton and Pixley, county councillor Patricia Morgan, a representative from West Mercia Police and Andrew Lee-Jones from Herefordshire’s highways department. They discussed speeding through Ashperton and acknowledged that large numbers of motorists were regularly exceeding the speed limit and were being caught out by speed camera vans. The vans would continue their visits until such time as average speeds started to drop, but there was no sign of that happening just yet. In the meantime it was agreed that a ‘buffer zone’ consisting of a 40mph speed limit should be introduced on the A417 on the southern approach to the village. This would warn motorists that they were entering a speed-restricted area and might encourage them to drop their speeds before hitting the 30 mph signs. It is hoped that the changes will be ‘fast-tracked’ as part of a new procedure.

Anyone wishing to comment on the proposals is asked to contact parish clerk Martin Field on 01432 820074. The parish council’s next meeting will be on Tuesday at 7.30pm in Ashperton village hall.