MEETING - Kingstone and Thruxton Group Parish Council met on March 6. The usual standing agenda items were discussed, and in particular the following points were noted.

Planning – the council continues to represent the views of the vast majority of local residents and opposes the proposed housing developments at the rear of Whitehouse Drive, and the Archihaus development in the field opposite Kingstone Surgery.

Concerns continue to be raised about the poor state of village infrastructure to support such large developments, and the resulting negative impact on existing local residents.

Traffic – the council noted the increased number of HGVs using village roads to access the Brightwells auction site at Stoney Street. Concerns have been raised about the increased risk of accidents, and the possible need for additional highways measures to mitigate this risk. These concerns will be raised with Herefordshire council.

Following the resignation of one of the current councillors, there is a vacancy for a parish councillor.

The vacancy will be advertised in the usual way. The next meeting will be on April 17 at 7.30pm.

BINGO - Tomorrow (Friday), eyes down at 8pm at Kingstone Village Hall in aid of Kingstone senior citizens.

Saturday, eyes down at 8pm at Kingstone Village Hall in aid of Kids in the Sticks.

THANK YOU - 1st Kingstone Brownies and Guides would like to thank everyone who supported the Big Breakfast on March 9 by attending or donating. A whopping sum of £751 was added to funds to support their activities and the trip to Tycross Zoo.

RACE NIGHT - On April 6 in aid of prostate cancer charity – £5 to include supper. If you would like to sponsor a race or buy a horse with a chance to win £15 for the winning horse please contact Nikki on 07870 578828 or