LEARN to make jewellery from beads with Sara Withers, a jeweller who went from selling Indian beads to making jewellery with them.

She now designs and makes jewellery with a complex range of beads.

Her workshop, which takes place at Glasbury Village Hall on Saturday, March 2, will provide 12 would-be jewellers with the opportunity to spend a day making jewellery from beads, learning about different threads, some basic knots and the use of wire.

The day is suitable for complete beginners or those with a little experience, though you will need some dexterity and good eyesight.

The workshop on Saturday, March 2, runs from 10.30am to 4pm.

Tickets are available by phone on 01497 847426; in person at Old Forest Arts, The Craft Centre, Hay-on- Wye; or by email to box office@glasburyart.co.uk.