A HEREFORD teenager was runner-up in a St John Ambulance competition and met the Princess Royal at an award ceremony.

Elizabeth Sheridan, aged 16, from South Wye in Hereford, was one of three entrants in the St John Ambulance’s regional cadet of the year competition.

She came second to Jessica Walker, 16, from Stoke, with results announced at the ceremony in Birmingham.

Elizabeth said: “It was an amazing day. I feel very proud to have met the Princess Royal and to have the opportunity to take part in this prestigious competition.

“I’ve learned so much since joining St John Ambulance six years ago and I’d recommend it to anyone. First aid really can be the difference between a life lost and a life saved.”

The princess, the organisation’s youth commandant- in-chief, met past and present district cadets of the year and their deputies and watched a first aid demonstration.