FAIR - The church fair, held in Mordiford School, raised £524.63, with thanks to all those who ran stalls and the many people who supported it. The December 200 Club draw first prize of £90 went to Stephen Moss, £60 to Diane Goulding and £30 to Mrs Webb and Sally. The venue for the New Year’s Day draw will be the Moon Inn at 3pm.

CHURCH SERVICES - Matins, from the Book of Common Prayer, is held at 9.30am on the second and fourth Sundays of the month. On the third Sunday there is a Eucharist, also from the BCP at 8am.

CONCERT - There are still tickets available for the Police Choir and Mordiford School Choir concert in church on Saturday at 7pm, followed by refreshments. Adults £8, children £2. Call the school on 01432 870258 or Sue Day on 850375.