CAROLS - Tonight (Thursday) at 6.30pm there will be a candlelight carol service at St Mary’s Church, Much Cowarne, featuring the children of Burley Gate School. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served afterwards.

CHRISTMAS CONCERT - On Sunday at 3pm, the Christmas concert by the Pax Singers will be at Bishop’s Frome Village Centre and not at Ocle Pychard, as originally advertised, due to poor parking conditions. Tickets will still cost £7.50 and will include tea.

CAROLS - Burley Gate Carol Singers will be out and about on December 19 and 21.

Anyone who would like to book them for a personal carol session can call Audrey on 01432 820436 or email

Alternatively, the singers meet at 6pm at Burley Gate Post Office on both days and new members are always welcome. The singers will be supporting a Herefordshire charity and Hospice Care for Children in Kenya.

LUNCH - The annual Burley Gate Village lunch and draw is at the village hall on December 16, 12.30pm for 1pm. Tickets are £13.50 for adults, less for children, and must be booked no later than Monday with Jo on 01432 820130.

BINGO - Burley Gate Pre-school is holding a fund-raising bingo session in the village hall at 7.30pm on Tuesday.

PETROL - After 75 years as a family business Phil Jones has confirmed that, due to competition from supermarkets, he will be closing the garage shop and petrol station at Burley Gate as from 6pm on Christmas Eve.

Other services will continue as normal.