ADVENT - On Sunday at 4pm in the church there will be an advent service led by the children of Bosbury School. Refreshments will be available.

CAKES - On December 8 there will be a cake table at Bishops Frome Village Centre’s Christmas fair. If can make a cake, call Meg on 01531 640129 or Pat on 640438.

COMMUNION - There will be a communion service in the church on December 9 at 11.30am.

PAUSE FOR THOUGHT - December 13, 7pm at Pat’s (Grove Cottage); all are welcome for Seasonal refreshments.

CAROLS - On December 21 there will be carol singing around the villages and local hostelries. Call Louise on 01531 640821 for further information.

SERVICES - On December 23 there will be a family praise carol service at 10am in church. There will be a communion service at 10am on Christmas Day in the Church of St Michael and All Angels.