TRAVELS WITH A CAMERA - Tomorrow (Friday) at 7.30pm at Bodenham Chapel.

Admission £2.50. Galapagos Wildlife and Andean South America presented by Dick Morgan. Proceeds in aid of Anita Goulden Trust (South America). Contact Dave Hill 01568 797531.

BODENHAM ROMANIA SUPPORT GROUP The BRSG will hold a Committee meeting at 14 Brockington Road at 7.30 pm next Monday November 26. New members are welcome. The Group is grateful to everyone who supported their recent Quiz when £394 was raised for funds for Enlaka.

CHRISTMAS BINGO - Lugg Valley Friends Cancer Research UK invite everyone to a Christmas bingo event in Bodenham parish hall at 7.30pm for an 8pm start on December 7. There will be a new caller this year, plus lots of prizes, including gift vouchers together with raffles and refreshments.

LEISURE CLUB - The Leisure Club will meet in the parish hall at 2.30pm on Monday when members will be able to have a go at puzzles with a Christmas theme. This will be followed by Christmas tea, the bring and buy and the raffle.

CHRISTMAS BAZAAR - A Christmas bazaar will be held in the parish hall this Saturday from 2.30pm. All proceeds will go to St Michael’s Church.

SOCIAL SEQUENCE DANCE - The next social sequence dance will be held in the parish hall this Saturday at 8pm. Proceeds to Midlands Air Ambulance. All welcome. For further details please ring 01432 880373 or 01432 880970.