HEREFORDSHIRE Council has just suspended its plan to close or merge 37 schools.

The climbdown comes in the face of massive protest from communities across the county.

New proposals being drawn up allow for more community consultation over the future for schools and detailed research of updated statistics.

Councillors and LEA officers talked through the extent of opposition to the plan, as proposed, this weekend.

Officially, the council's controlling Tory group recognised the "tough challenge" faced by the LEA as it planned for falling pupil numbers and the subsequent slashing of central government funding.

But the group made it clear that it could not support the plan - announced by the LEA earlier this month - in the face of overwhelming public protest and without backing from the authority's other political groups.

"Instead elected members want more time to involve all schools and their communities in detailed discusions. We also need outside, independent, and objective advice and verified evidence of the finances and the population projections - as well as a greater understanding of the effect of any mergers on rural communities and school journey times," said Council leader Councillor Roger Phillips.

Confirming the climbdown, Council chief executive Chris Bull told the Hereford Times: "It is important that we respond clearly to concerns raised by a number of schools and their communities. We have listened and we have taken action. We have suspended the consultation process for now."