AN outdoor art gallery of hope has popped up to boost the spirits of the Worcester community during the pandemic.

The gallery features a number of different images that have been pinned to trees across Pitchcroft.

Among the pictures are art, buildings, and a portrait.

The gallery has been designed for those out on their allowed one exercise a day to view, as images have been placed on trees far apart to ensure social distancing guidelines are able to be followed.

It is unclear who has organised the art gallery, but it appears to possibly be the brainchild of Emily Dickinson.

Among the gallery is a poem entitled Hope, that has been written by here.

The poem reads:

"Hope is the thing with feathers

that perches in the soul

and sings the tune without the words

and never stops at all.

and sweetest in the gale is heard

and sore must be the storm

that could abash the little bird

that kept so many warm

I've heard it in the chillest land

and on the strangest sea

yet never in eternity

it asked a crumb of me."