THE Bishop of Hereford has set out his agenda for the General Election.

The Rt Rev Anthony Priddis believes the key issues for church goers are the gap between rich and poor, world poverty, family life and the environment.

"What is important is that we all take the opportunity to quiz Parliamentary candidates about the issues that really matter and push them to speak positively about their plans for the good of our nation and the world," he said.

He is concerned about the widening gap between rich and poor and calls on people to consider the plight of people in poorer parts of the world like Africa and reminds politicians about the Make Poverty History campaign.

The Bishop expressed concern about the damage done through the breakdown of marriage, family life and relationships.

Commenting on the environment, the Bishop calls for greater international responsibility and for the country to lead by example.

"It matters that we vote and contribute in all the ways that we can to the building up of what is positive and good. We have to continue to strive for the right priorities: people matter more than economics, spiritual and moral values more than materialism," he added.