VILLAGE HALL - Almeley Village Hall committee has, because of the seriousness of the foot and mouth epidemic, cancelled its fortnightly whist drives for the foreseeable future. Also, the senior citizens' luncheon, planned to take place on Saturday has been postponed. It is hoped to arrange another date for this popular function.

CHURCH -- Evening Prayer will take place in St Mary's Church at 4.30pm on Good Friday. A celebration of Holy Communion, using the Book of Common Prayer is at 11am on Easter Sunday. On the outside of the church door there is a copy of the Church Annual Review. Anyone wishing to have a copy should contact Iris Lanham on 01544 340588. More than £100 was raised at the Children's Society coffee morning hosted by Mrs Morgan at Bridge Farm, Almeley. Anyone who still has a CS box to be opened should contact Jeff Glyn-Jones on 01544 327849.

SCHOOL - Pancakes made by Class Two on Shrove Tuesday were sold and the proceeds donated to Carey and Jeff Glyn-Jones' Kenyan project. Class Two has also been to Wolverhampton and visited a Muslim Mosque and Sikh Gurdwara.